Book Summary - High Output Management

I often forget what I read. This is why, for every non-academic book I read, I will be sharing an electronic copy of my bullet-point notes. I hope this would help me retain the information, easily reference it in the future, and maybe share some of the things I learned with you.

High Output Management is a very practical, result-oriented guide to optimize processes and manpower.

Andrew Grove (the author) was the CEO and Chairman of Intel, and a significant icon in modern management practices. He steered Intel from its startup days to become a world-class brand, while driving the growth phase of the whole Silicon Valley.

Grove’s methods are impressively practical. Some of the things that hit me the most is the idea that he prefers decisions to come from the middle of the hierarchy chain, because that’s where you get the know-how and the authority to execute. Or how much emphasis he puts on performance evaluations: the fact that every year, he reviews around 100 random evaluations, making sure that all of his managers are giving concise and constructive feedback. He sends notes of compliments or requests for re-writes to all of those evaluations.

Click here for my bullet-point summary. If you are in management, I highly recommend you read the book. I’d give it 4/5.

Thanks to Jihad for unknowingly bringing this book to my attention.